In July 2019 the Touch Football Australia (TFA) membership were updated regarding the review process that had been undertaken on the proposed 8th Edition TFA Playing Rules and subsequent submission to the TFA Board for endorsement and ratification. TFA is pleased to inform its members that the TFA Board met at the National Youth Championships and ratified the 8th Edition TFA Playing Rules.
As outlined in the January 2019 Memo, the intent of the 8th Edition is not to change the way the game is played, refereed or coached, rather it is to update the rules to reflect the current trends of the game. Included in the 8th Edition is an exciting new Drop-Off format expected to bring new levels of excitement to our already action packed game. The 8th Edition will be endorsed for use in all Touch Football Australia affiliated competitions from 1 January 2020. The first national event to be held under the 8thEdition will be the 2020 National Touch League.
State, Regional and Affiliate competitions are encouraged to review their competition dates and implement the 8th Edition at a time deemed appropriate to their community. It is proposed that all affiliated competitions across Australia will be operating under the 8th Edition for Season 2, 2020.
Click here to view an explanation of the 8th Edition Rules video playlist on YouTube.